All students, employees, vendors, and visitors must fill out a Health Screening Questionnaire* prior to coming to campus. Once the questionnaire is completed and you are cleared to come to campus, you will receive a confirmation number. This must be presented when you arrive at your screening site inside the main doors at the APGFCU Arena. Should there be an issue with your Health Screening Questionnaire, you will not be allowed on campus and will be instructed what further steps should be taken.
*Please note that a new Health Screening Questionnaire must be submitted each day you plan to come to campus.
I am required to be on campus but cannot wear a mask for medical reasons. What should I do?
All individuals on campus are required to wear an approved face covering at all times. If a medical issue prevents this you must request an accommodation for access.
What safety controls have been put in place to protect people in the venue?
The College has installed administrative and engineering controls to enforce social distancing (i.e., Plexiglas barriers, furniture reconfiguration) as well as floor and wall signage to enforce social distancing, mask-wearing, and handwashing. Measures have been taken to increase the level of fresh air that is circulated in campus buildings. Access to buildings is restricted; all individuals must first successfully undergo the screening process before being admitted to any building. Public Safety will maintain a record of any individual who enters a campus building to assist in contact tracing efforts in the event that someone who has been on campus later tests positive for COVID-19.
How frequently will campus buildings be cleaned?
Buildings that are in use will be deep cleaned nightly. Throughout the day, common-use areas will be wiped down by the College's housekeeping staff. In high-traffic areas (e.g., classrooms, student services offices), cleaning will occur between each use.
How will the College enforce safety guidelines (i.e., social distancing, mask-wearing, etc.)? Will there be repercussions for people who don't follow guidelines?
The College reserves the right to deny any person entrance to the College or to remove any person from the buildings or grounds of the College who poses a risk of harm to our students, employees, other visitors, or property. Individuals failing to comply with the screening measures and/or wear a face mask, as directed, will be escorted off campus by the Department of Public Safety. Any person who fails or refuses to leave property owned or controlled by the College after being asked to do so by Public Safety shall be in violation of Section 26-102 of the Education Article, Maryland Annotated Code, and will be subject to arrest and criminal penalties upon conviction.